Blue Lotus / Nuciferine Isolate Vape - Empathogenic - 2g Disposable
Unlock the power of blue lotus with our unique Blue Lotus / Nuciferine Isolate vape.
Our Blue Lotus / Nuciferine Isolate vape is a legal empathogen which works through the release of dopamine and serotonin causing feelings of empathy, love, emotional closeness, mild euphoria along with possible next day afterglow effect.
People choose our Blue Lotus / Nuciferine Isolate vape over other administration methods because:
- Vaping allows a more precise and controlled way of consumption: Users can easily regulate the dose and the intensity of their experience because they choose how much and how often they inhale.
- Vapes are more convenient and easier to use than other methods: They can be carried and utilized discreetly and do not require the preparation or ingestion of a physical substance.
- There is a faster onset of the effects than other methods: This can make the experience more intense and immersive, allowing users to explore the substance’s effects more fully.
Note: The only active alkaloids in this product are derived from the Blue Lotus (Nuciferine Isolate). This product does not contain any hemp / cannabis derived cannabinoids or novel research chemicals of any kind.
Directions: Take slow 3 second inhales and hold vapor in for a minimum of 5 seconds or longer prior to the exhale. Most people will find 8 to 12 inhales needed to start feeling effects.
Note: This product cannot be shipped to Louisiana.
- The legal age requirement for purchase and use is 21 years or older.
- Do not operate machinery or drive a motor vehicle after consuming.
- If you are pregnant or nursing, do not use it without consulting a doctor.
- If you have respiratory health challenges, heart conditions, or other concerns do not use it without consulting a doctor.
**These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These products should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. No statements on this website are offering medical advice**
**We sell our Blue Lotus / Nuciferine isolate vape for research purposes only. We are not liable for misuse of this product.
2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
alright not anything special
Felt a little zoned out and calm, but thats about all the effects I got. kinda bumbed out I was expecting at least a buzz but I guess not.
Lotus 1g cartridge
Arrived in record time, very enjoyable, felt a calmng sensation brush my whole body when i inhaled.